Jin Shin Jyutsu

Want to learn more?

I can help you take the next steps on your Jin Shin Jyutsu journey, no matter where you are in the world.

Find out how to access these three online courses today.

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Skills for Life
Part 1, 2 and 3

Three online courses covering Mary Burmeister's material in her self help Books 1, 2 and 3. 

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Flows for Life

Daily Stress

If you just can’t seem to get on top of daily stresses, if you feel exhausted, anxious, and ‘out of sorts’ then life is no FUN! In our modern world we all suffer from stress, making life a real EFFORT, but you CAN change all that.

Flows for LIfe

Increase Your Energy

In fact, thousands of people around the world successfully use Jin Shin Jyutsu to increase energy and vitality, relax the mind, and harmonize their whole BEING. All you need for this is the awareness and your hands.

Flows for Life

JSJ with Confidence

If you want to learn how to use Jin Shin Jyutsu with confidence, then this course (in 3 parts) is for you. I share the theory of this Art and guide you through the practice of a whole range of dynamic exercises. 

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What will I learn in Part One?

Awaken to Jin Shin Jyutsu: 
A dynamic Art of Living

  • How energy works and how Jin Shin Jyutsu fits into that
  • Why and how Jin Shin Jyutsu works when you use your hands
  • The power of the fingers
  • How to harmonize mind, body and spirit using the three main energy pathways that feed all 144,000 of our energy functions
  • How to use some powerful daily 'cleaners' to release tensions
  • How to experience Jin Shin Jyutsu through practical exercises
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What will I learn in Part Two?

The KEYS of Jin Shin Jyutsu: 
Our 26 Friends

  • Understanding the physio-philosophy
  • Introducing our energetic blueprint of 26 Safety Energy Locks
  • What they are
  • Where they are located on the body
  • Who they are: their names, meanings and functions
  • How to use each one
  • Practical exercises to recharge them
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What will I learn in Part Three?

The FUN in Jin Shin Jyutsu:
Connecting Fingers and Toes

  • Fingers and toes as the keys to Know Myself
  • How fingers and toes are related
  • How hands and feet are related
  • How to work with them
  • Eight dynamic ‘mudras' or finger positions
  • Practical exercises for total harmony

Astrid Kauffmann

Since 2001, I have clocked up tens of thousands of hours in the study and practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu. I have also taught hundreds of students over the last 20 years,  inspiring them to study and practice further.

From my first experience of stopping a migraine to the awareness of MYSELF today, Jin Shin Jyutsu IS now as fundamental to me as breathing. I LOVE this ART and I love sharing it with others.

Astrid Kauffmann BSc, TIDHA, MFHT,
Jin Shin Jyutsu® Practitioner  and Self Help Teacher since 2001, Dip Holistic Aromatherapy

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How will I benefit?

After each part of the course you will:
  • have a clearer understanding of Jin Shin Jyutsu
  • have the confidence to practice Jin Shin Jyutsu anywhere, anytime
  • know how to use Jin Shin Jyutsu in your daily life
  • know which exercises to choose for your practice
  • have an easy, structured program to implement immediately
  • have the tools to guide you during and after the course
  • be supported every step of the way – you are not alone on this journey of transformation
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What do I get on this course?

For each Skills for Life Part 1, 2 and 3, I provide you with:
  • six hours of class material LIVE with Astrid
  • that is 18 hours in total (6 hours for each course)
  • replay of all the Zoom class sessions
  • PDF Workbooks of the exercises for each session
  • audios with guided practice of the exercises
  • unlimited email access to Astrid during the duration of the course
  • an invitation to join the ‘Skills For Life’ closed community group
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B.B., Canada

"If you happen to be one of those individuals who have been seeking insight and/or practical ways to elevate your spirits and improve your health, look into Jin Shin Jyutsu with Astrid Kauffmann. I have completed four levels of her “Skills for Life” - fascinating material in every class, plus have had a number of individual ‘one on ones’ with Astrid where she has looked into my health problems, from which I have benefited enormously. Her classes are a positive, fun and uplifting experience - they’re a bit like learning a new language, so another big plus for your brain!!"

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C.N., United Kingdom

“I attended the Jin Shin Jyutsu ‘Skills for Life’ classes (Part One and Two) with Astrid in 2019 and they were an amazing experience. Astrid is so knowledgeable and enthusiastic about Jin Shin Jyutsu the days flew by. She has a wealth of experience that she shared with us and the sessions were divided into sections on both the background and theory of JSJ and practice of the Art. The class had such a lovely, positive energy and the exercises were amazing. I am looking forward to Part Three now. I can't recommend this highly enough!” 


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H.S., Switzerland

"Learning Jin Shin Jyutsu self help in such an easy, relaxed way, in an environment of like-minded people and with Astrid's humorous and enthusiastic way of teaching was a big pleasure for me. The lectures were so well prepared and documented that it was easy to follow. The practical part was very powerful even if it was online. Astrid always supported us in any possible way and patiently she answered all our questions. I got a lot out of this course, I can only recommend it to others."

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United States

“Thank you for the wonderful session today. It was nothing short of amazing, and I am still enjoying the benefits.”

Course Details

Skills for Life | Part One


Includes: (Starts 4 Sept)

  • x 3 two hour Live Zoom Sessions
  • Assessment / Issues
  • Instruction
  • Practice together
  • Feedback / Next steps
  • Personalized exercises

Skills for Life | Part Two


Includes: (Starts 2 Oct)

  • x 3 two hour Live Zoom Sessions
  • Feedback / Assess
  • Instruction
  • Practice together
  • Feedback / Next Steps
  • Personalized exercises

Skills for Life | Part Three


Includes: (Starts 30 Oct)

  • x 3 two hour Live Zoom Sessions
  • Feedback / Assess
  • Instruction
  • Practice together
  • Feedback / Next steps
  • Personalized exercises

All Three | Part 1, 2, & 3


Top features (Starts 4 Sept)

  • x 9 two hour Live Zoom Sessions
  • Assessment / Issues
  • Instruction
  • Practice together
  • Feedback / Next steps
  • Personalized exercises


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United States

“After our (online) session, it was the first day in I don’t know how long that I didn’t feel fatigue all day. I felt great and didn’t hit a slump!”

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"Wanted you to know my BP two hours ago was normal. Thanks to JSJ exercises, as I did nothing else. Thank you so much for helping in this emergency."

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“Very impressed. I feel good.”

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United Kingdom

“I feel refreshed and calm. My head is clear. Amazing!”

Contact Me

Have a question? Please email me at [email protected] or go to my contact form.

I look forward to working with you. 


Please note this is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice, supervision or diagnosis. 

Send me a message now